A quick guide to Amazon’s 50-Plus papers on Emnlp 2024

A quick guide to Amazon's 50-Plus papers on Emnlp 2024

Large Language Models (LLMs) have come to dominate the area of ​​natural-language processing, so it is not surprising that they also dominate the research that Amazon scientists present at this year’s conference on empirical methods in natural-language procedure (Emnlp ). LLM training is the subject with the largest number of Amazon papers, which are closely … Read more

Father of pilot flying American Airlines Jet who crashed out talking about ‘worst day of my life’

Father of pilot flying American Airlines Jet who crashed out talking about 'worst day of my life'

The latest headlines from our journalists across the United States sent directly to your inbox each weekday Your briefing about the latest headlines from all over the United States Your briefing about the latest headlines from all over the United States The father of the man who piloted an American Airlines jet who collided with … Read more

Priest accused of having used the teen girl’s hair so dental floss as they waited in line with seeing a relic

Priest accused of having used the teen girl's hair so dental floss as they waited in line with seeing a relic

The latest headlines from our journalists across the United States sent directly to your inbox each weekday Your briefing about the latest headlines from all over the United States Your briefing about the latest headlines from all over the United States A priest has been arrested after allegedly using a 13-year-old girl’s hair as a … Read more

Detoxification of large language models via regularized fine tuning

Detoxification of large language models via regularized fine tuning

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive benefits across different tasks, but as it has been clear in several cases, they have the risk of producing inappropriate, unsafe or partial output. When generating resorts, a successful trained LLM must comply with a set of policies specified by its creator; For example, the developer may limit … Read more

TECH EXEC Mister ‘Dream’ Ai Job after revenge ex sending explicit picture of him to new boss, trial said

TECH EXEC Mister 'Dream' Ai Job after revenge ex sending explicit picture of him to new boss, trial said

The latest headlines from our journalists across the United States sent directly to your inbox each weekday Your briefing about the latest headlines from all over the United States Your briefing about the latest headlines from all over the United States A technical director with 25 years of experience was thrilled to have finally landed … Read more